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The brilliant glow – the promise of the New Year is still upon us but there is a good chance that your resolve and even hope is starting to fade.

a new year dawns

There is just so darn much to do!

I spent some time this morning thinking about what is the best advice I could give you to start your year out with a bang – and to keep it that way.

Here it is.

Generally, I find that there are three areas to do this process for – family/home, myself, work/business so I do this process for each one.  


Take a minute to think about where you are right now. Do a quick 'big picture' map – in your head or on paper. Don't think about it too much. Just identify where you are now.

Then identify your ONE BIG THING. The thing that jumps out at you right now as something that you would like to change. 

What's the thing, more than anything, that you want to tackle and WIN – RIGHT NOW. 


With a Twist…

Now take a minute to imagine what it will be like when you get there. This is important because it is the first step to helping you to believe it is possible, to really FEEL what it will be like – and to help you to make a plan to get there. 

The twist? Be sure that you are clear about one thing.

When you decide what your one big thing is – it will be the one that jumps out at you.

It may be small – or it may be large enough to be broken down into a few smaller things – but here's the deal.

It has to be what you want – what gives you joy –


There is a subtle difference, but it's the difference between wishing and getting your 'thing'.

This year is about joy. About using happiness as your compass. The thing that you really WANT TO DO.

THAT'S what will get you there.


Before you decide HOW – what steps you will take – decide what can you eliminate.

The number one reason for failure that I am seeing all around me today is – too much going on. Too much distraction. Not enough focus. Not enough time.

The number one fix is to remove anything and everything that doesn't fit – the things that are taking you AWAY FROM YOUR HAPPINESS – what ever you have decided that is.

If you're still wondering exactly what that is, it's the thing that gives you a tingle when you think about it – the thing that makes your heart go pitter patter.

The thing that makes you shine. 

Probably the thing that you think you don't have time for because you think you should be doing something else


The next step is to break it down into manageable pieces, make a plan on exactly WHAT YOU WILL DO to get them done.

Then you need to set up a system to do them.

It needs to be consistent and simple.

If you can do those two things, you can do anything.

One day at a time. 


Download a free copy of Your Simple Plan, a simplified doodle that you can hang up to remind yourself when life gets too hectic.

It's a little wacky (I am no arteest), but we may as well have a little fun, right?


The thing that makes me shine, to feel happy inside is to keep my house nice for my family and myself – a place where we can grow and prosper, a place that is functional and uplifting.  

My other thing? I want that for you and your family too.  That's what I've been all about here for the past 3 years. And I want to do more.

I want to create a place where you can make all of this possible. I want you to do more than read about it and move on. I want you to do it. To be happy and fulfilled.

To define your life on your terms. And it all starts at home.


Subscribe to TAKE 5. You will receive a daily 5 minute target to make your home 5 minutes nicer every day – you will be surprised at the power of 5 minutes.

I know I am. Every day.

You'll also receive a printable of the complete list of 31 day targets and a quick checklist to make it even easier for you.

I will keep you posted there about all the new things that I have in store for you this year. Coming right up!

If you are already subscribed, stay tuned! 

About the Author

Jan Ferrante

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  1. Great article! How true that what we really want to do so often gets buried in all the busy-ness of life. My problem has always been trying to figure out what I can eliminate! Both in things I do, and in too much “stuff” around the house!

  2. I really enjoy this post because it’s about a SIMPLE way to achieve goals! We make things too complicated sometimes when it really only takes a few actions done consistently in order to see results.

  3. I have done a similar exercise a couple of years ago. It really works. Sometimes we are so wrapped up with what we think we should achieve: big house, lot’s of money and we think it will be all good then. But I think the bieggest question of all, what would I do with all the money or what would I do in the big house. And when I asked myself this question, I found out that I really don’t even need it. Just after reading your post I went back to my list and checked off what I have achieved from it over the last couple of years. I got it all with one exception, and none of those were too expensive or too difficult. Just way too important for me.

  4. Hi Jan,

    Nice to connect with you again after a couple of years – Following Joy is a big step to keeping overwhelm out of our lives .. You might say, wait, I don’t love/have joy for the dishes, but I still need to do them – but the trick is to understand a clean kitchen might bring joy, or the opposite, a dirty kitchen overwhelm which just leads to more overwhelm and Chaos! If having a plan is too overwhelming (even if you did break it down for us) try not having a plan – but just doing the next one thing in front of you to do! My thoughts.

  5. Thanks, Jan… really nice article!

    Having a clear outcome and using it to formulate an action plan… priceless.

    And I agree. Distraction is the major problem… and I contribute to it frequently…

    Time to re-focus… 🙂

    keep smiling,


  6. Hi Jan,

    Thanks for sharing this uplifting post! I’ve been feeling more positive after reading this and definitely, goal setting is one ingredient in life that’s so essential to figure out where to start, what to aim for and what will be your purpose for striving to reach them. For me, starting the day right automatically makes my mind the ability to create new goals for the day, while getting into the light of our home. It’s been better to continue working at home!

  7. This reminds me of an interview I completed with a guy called Robert Ashton (author of The Life Plan) a couple of years ago. He said ‘tackle small tasks’ each day and he said write a letter to yourself as though what you wish for has already happened.

    This article is a great reminder that tackling small tasks each day can make you feel really good.


  8. This is so true: “Too much going on. Too much distraction. Not enough focus.” – But “Not enough time”? That’s how if feels, but like Gandalf would say, “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”, right?

    With that said, I like the idea of simple and breaking everything into tiny chunks, so I can have something to achieve every day, or even every hour. Reaching those mini-achievements calls for celebration, if nothing else, a happy dance 🙂 All this is great for motivation and keeps me going!

  9. Hi Tish, I think that what to eliminate – in the things we do AND the stuff is the first place that we have to start, otherwise it is just impossible to really focus on what we really want to do. It’s an ongoing challenge but it is sooooo freeing. I’ve really started to see the value of empty space as room to live. Priceless.

    BTW, LOVE your blog! This summer my goal is to do a lot more gardening and to replace our chickens. We have on lonely chicken left! I’m very big on self sufficiency and going back to the basics. I highly recommend a looksy for some great photos on rural living.

    Hi Merlyn, you are sooo right! I am slowly learning to get out of my own way :0) After a few have become habit, it’s possible to add a few more but there is a point when more really is just a pain in the behind rather than a positive contribution.

    I’m all about enjoying what I have this year and trying hard not to do much gathering of things, tasks, responsibilities without having a good look first – and continually cutting down on what I can. It’s harder than I thought but also very rewarding – I’m getting my life back. Simple is almost always better – that’s my motto!

    Hi Raymond, breaking things down has been on of the best things I’ve learned to do. My timer is the best tool for overcoming overwhelm and getting things done, a little at a time. It’s amazing. Or asking myself, ‘What Can I Do Now?’, even if it’s a small thing to move me forward. Sometimes that’s all it takes to get me moving and doing even more. It doesn’t seem so hard.

  10. Hi Tom, I’ve found the same thing! I realized that some things I’ve been beating myself up over not achieving, I didn’t even really want, which may explain things :0))

    Hi Michelle, good points! If I am overwhelmed and don’t have a plan I take a deep breath and ask myself – ‘What’s nagging me right now?’ And then I do that thing. It almost always takes the immediate pressure off and turns out to be exactly what I should be doing.As for dishes, remembering that I am lucky to have dishes, a kitchen, food and people I love who are using them brings everything into perspective very quickly. Especially as the kids are getting older and I think about what it’s going to be like someday when the kitchen is empty. Just for today – I love doing dishes.

    Thanks Ben! Absolutely – having a clear outcome is so powerful in helping us to create an action plan. Sometimes it is almost like magic in the way it can motivate and help us to see clearly what we REALLY want to do and have in our lives.

  11. A solid plan and the right mindset will get you a long way. A lot of people let distractions and the opinions of others keep them away from happiness and success.

    Great post to start my focused morning!

  12. Hi Jan.

    Just loved your article here. This was right up my alley.

    A really refreshing and simple way to define your goal setting.

    The thing that made me shine this morning beside my wife and a good cup of coffee was your article here.

    I will bookmark this and give it a tweet.

    Cheers.. Are

  13. That’s great Lance, I hope that you find it helpful! The daily 5 minute concept can be used for anything. I just got a new cellphone with an alarm selection – I find myself using it a lot! It’s great!

    Hi Tyrone, I have found that identifying the ‘big thing’ in a small number of areas has really increased my effectiveness as well as my desire. I used to do the heavy dragged out goal setting method and found myself very frustrated because I never seemed to get too far – so far this is working much better for me. Too much is just too much I suppose.

    I fully agree that starting the day with a clear goal/s in mind really sets up a good energy for the day. I also like to create a weekly focus, monthly and yearly theme. That’s about as complicated as I am letting it get these days :0)

    Hi Andrew, great tip on writing a letter to ourself as if what we want has already happened. I recently did a letter writing to myself exercise and it was not what I expected. Definitely worth taking the time to do. I will have to try it!

    Hi Antti, I agree that the focus has to be on HOW we spend the time we have rather than trying to get more of it – simply because we can’t get more although it sometimes feels like we have forever. As anyone with grown kids knows, we don’t. It speeds by and we have to take hold of it now.

    Chunking time through my day with the focus being on a specific outcome, was the basis of a complete turn around for me in my home life and business life. I call them Time Pockets but it is the same concept. To me, that is the secret to managing time. It’s easy in theory, but doing it consistently takes some practice and discipline. Very well worth it though!

    And it really does make you feel great every time, that leaves the potential for a lot of happy dances!

  14. How true Jan, distraction and feeling over whelmed – no time – all these are the things I hear also. People inherently know what to do and they have the power to do it but allow business to distract them from accomplishment.

    If they want accomplishment – they need to follow your advice and really decide what distracts them and how they will deal with that.

  15. This is the paragraph that was a lightening bolt to me –

    “WHAT YOU WON’T DO Before you decide HOW – what steps you will take – decide what can you eliminate.

    The number one reason for failure that I am seeing all around me today is – too much going on. Too much distraction. Not enough focus. Not enough time.”

    I think we all feel abligated to say “yes” too often. When we are asked to head a commitee or manage a project – even have lunch with someone when we don’t have time –

    We feel we MUST do it or the world will fall apart and yet with all reality, the person who is asking has someone right after you on the list.

  16. Hi Robb, great point about the opinions of others. Sometimes I find myself favouring what I think someone else would rather I do without even really realizing it. And lots of times it really makes no difference to them at all anyway, it’s all been an imagined loop running in my head (I hope I’m not as crazy as that sounds :0)

    And sometimes we do what other people outright tell us to do. It’s so important to get in touch with what we really want first, and take it from there.

    Thanks Are! I’m so glad to help you have a good start to your day. Keep shining!!

    Hi Bruce, I really liked what you said here, “People inherently know what to do and they have the power to do it”

    That realization was another turning point for me and continues to be a major factor as I ‘turn this rig around’. It’s HUGE. Our power really is ours for the taking, even if it is in baby steps. There is sooo much we CAN do, rather than focusing on what we can’t (or think we can’t.)

    I did a few posts that may be of interest on these concepts earlier,


    I CAN


    Hi Corinne, the funny thing is, that once you do it a few times, it really does get easier to say no. Setting boundaries for ourselves is another key skill that we really need to have to keep our lives manageable. It comes easier or more naturally to some but it can be learned with practice.

    Starting with small things and working up is a good way to build boundary muscles. I even find myself having to do this with my kids – especially my kids :0))

    I also find that I get distracted by going off and doing things that really serve no purpose, mindless tasks really need to be watched over and kicked to the curb!

    That’s another way that 5 minute tasks can be very useful anytime you find yourself in a gap – a job jar is a great tool for this as well – just go for the job jar instead of the fridge or coffee pot when mindless wandering in that direction :0)

  17. Hi Jan,
    Wow! This is one of the few times that I’ve actually read through the comments. Excellent article! When I get frazzled, it’s because I’m trying to do too many things at the same time. My circuits get jammed and I have to STOP. Then, I pick up one thing at a time. As I conclude each task, I stop and acknowledge that I completed something. I just say “that’s done” and take a deep breath before I move onto the next thing. It helps me to recognize and appreciate that I’m making progress. One step at a time…I’m not wired to do more than that, no matter how much I argue to be wired differently.

  18. As you say, there is too much darn stuff to do! As for distraction, when you try to achieve goals that utilise the internet then you’re fighting an uphill battle – like trying to teach a child lessons whilst in the middle of a toy shop. Good advice to work on.

  19. Very interesting Jan, I’m a very structured person. I like lists, not love lists, but often have items on there that just remain undone until I have the sense to remove them completely. However I still have some “guilt” on certain projects that weren’t done. Sometimes I feel too organized, is that possible?

  20. Hi Jan — What a fabulous post! I needed to read it. The one thing I have been trying to do forever is author blog worth reading — yet I find no time to put forth the type effort needed to create a quality product. Your comments about removing things in the way really hit home. I have way too many things going on each day, and they dilute my ability to do anything thoroughly. I am going to start “cleaning house” so to speak — immediately!

  21. Breaking it all down the way you have makes me feel like my “want” is actually doable! It’s so easy to get overwhelmed – and that’s when the paralysis kicks in for me. Making sure I list my to-dos on paper rather than letting them float around upstairs helps immensely. Thanks for the advice!

  22. Hi Jan,

    Cheryl has a good point.

    Happened to me few days ago. Just had to stop. This trick works well in the evening… that is the time that I can enter a “black hole”. The way out seems to present itself in the morning and things dont look so bad.

  23. Hi Birney, the thing about visualization that I am finding is that it really has to be your own vision, something that YOU really want, not just something you’ve been told to want – like a new car, a mansion, a million dollars etc. The great thing is that if you take the time to drill down to find your AHA, the thing that really jumps out at you, it is very often something that you really can do – or at the least it is something that you are willing to work towards – because it is your TRUE hearts desire. Forget about the other stuff :0)

    Hi Cheryl, I have been having a blast with all of the insights and sharing from the comments!

    I know what you mean about circuits getting jammed if trying to do too many things. Multi tasking has never been my strong point and is highly over rated IMHO, although some people probably are better suited to it than others and if it is part of your job you can get better at it – I used to waitress years ago and was quite good at it then, my brain must be on the downslide, I don’t think I could do it now!

    I find more and more that simpler is better – easier to accomplish but maybe more important – easier to experience – which is why we’re here, right? Life doesn’t mean much at the end of the day if we’ve spent it rushing through trying to catch it when it was here right with us all along.

    When I find myself getting frazzled, especially if I am trying to make a decision and it’s getting muddles I like to go to what I call my decompression chamber – the shower. When I come out it’s like I’ve washed all of the chatter away and I almost always have a clearer vision of what I should do.

    Hi David, you make a great point! I think I started my true downward slide the day I accessed the internet. I LOVE it but like everything, it needs to be used in balance. A timer again is a great tool, I found the best thing was to outline exactly what I plan to accomplish during a set time (1 hour time pockets work well) and just work on that. Play time can be a short reward for work time or designate a longer time at a certain time of the day, like after your work day. I’ve written quite a bit about time management for working at home at my WAHM blog –

    I finally did a mass unsubbing of stuff that really wasn’t moving me ahead, just distracting me. I find that I get much more out of what I do have now although it is a continual process.

    Most important thing to remember – focus on OUTPUT. Set a reasonable ration of input/output and plan your day to stick to it. And make sure that the input is quality education that you will convert to output – or it is really entertainment.

  24. Hi Joel, I can relate! I used to do exactly those things too and just found that I wasn’t enjoying life, it was one long treadmill of always trying to achieve – there is always more! And I didn’t get everything done that was on my lists. That was very frustrating to me – the fix is to benchmark at the end of each day – or week – what you did get done. When you look at that, it puts things into perspective.

    In that way, aiming high can help as long as you don’t get too caught up in it. I really do prefer a simpler approach these days. I
    used to have a binder FULL of worksheets to be done every week – I actually loved the process because of my obsession with time – and there is so much possibility and hope in the process – but I found after awhile it was dragging me down instead of up.

    All that is not to say that I don’t use lists – I find that they free up space in my head – which can only be a good thing :0) And I don’t forget things. Generally I like to post them on a huge white board I have and make my aim a clean board. It also keeps them in front of me which helps a lot. It’s probably my favourite organizing tool. (NOTE: don’t try to clean with paint thinner – it doesn’t work! Nail polish remover works well – or you can use white board cleaner :0))

    Hi Lisa, that’s great, keep us posted on how it goes! One other thing that I should mention is the other option if you find that you can’t remove as much as you really need to – get help.

    That’s a whole other topic but the first place that I’ve started is with my kids. If you have them, hire them to do stuff around the house to free you up. Works well for everyone although you do need to be involved to be sure it gets done – they can even help with business things. If you don’t have kids, students could work well.

    Hi Keller, in some ways it’s a matter of giving yourself permission to do the thing you want. I know what you mean about being paralyzed by overwhelm, sometimes when I break it down and get started I am completely amazed that I let it get away from me for so long because it is hardly ever as hard as I thought. The trick is to be consistent.

    Once you get started until you are finished. Focus on outcome and results – your end vision and you will do great. Keep us posted!

  25. I love your “Take 5 – 5 Minutes Better” Maybe this will help me say No to people sometimes. As a mother and Grandmother everyone things I don’t have anything to do. Think I spoiled a few people way back when. Now I foucs on more things I have to do and it doesn’t always work to will for them. Hey, they will get use to it.Thanks for all the great information. Keep your priorties in order and work them one step at a time. Like a Beaver building his Damn, if he doesn’t take it one small step at a time it won’t hold up.

  26. Hi Krizia, I agree! Another angle that I have been finding helpful is checking my own attitude. Sometimes I don’t think I’m having fun but when I think about it, I really am, or could be. Most of the time it’s because I’m letting other things – thinking I should be doing something else – cause stress. So I stop for a minute and ask myself if there really is something else I should be doing – if there is – I do it – if not I enjoy what I AM doing. It has increased my fun factor 100%

    And if I’m doing something that really isn’t fun? I remember why I am doing it and think of all the self discipline muscles I am building :0) They really come in handy!

    Hi Lance, I agree. Part of it is making sure that you have enough sleep. I take a nap most afternoons for about 20 minutes. It buys me an extra hour of ‘brain time’ during the day minimum and allows me to rise earlier and go to bed later than I would otherwise. I don’t have a ‘time’ that I go, just when I start to feel exhausted. Some days I don’t need to but most I do. That could be an individual thing, no one else in the family does it.

    Another great thing to do if you are at the point of being frazzled is to take a break and go for a walk (with the dog if you have one – if you have a park or nature close by, that’s the best spot. I walk in our forest when ever I can on a trail we have.) It works wonders. So well actually that it’s one of the best things you can schedule into your day. Not only does it clear your head, it also is an amazing time to brainstorm – ideas flow from the air it seems.

  27. Hi Debbie, I have to say, I LOVB your blog. It so well illustrates ‘follow your happiness’. A LOT of great stuff there about ‘everyday happy’. That’s really what it’s all about.

    I can see myself in your example if I fast forward a few years. I am working on setting boundaries as well. As you say, you need to factor in priorities and that’s not always going to be about you, but there has to be some balance – and there probably will be some adjustments. Something that I find works well is to give and take. Ask if I do this for you, what will you do for me? Such as…
    It works well all around.

  28. Hi Jan,

    what a nice and lovely post. I recognize a lot of several techniques I have learned over the years in it but from my perspective the main thing is “visualization”. Do not only see a picture of your goal, you must feel it, breathe it, live it!

    Wonderful post and yes of course I did subscribe to TAKE5 because it looks that is exactly what I need now. Thanks again for making it clearer and helping me getting there 🙂

  29. Jan thanks for the good idea. “Ask if I do this for you, what will you do for me?” I shall try that!
    Thanks again. And thanks for the input on my site. Sometimes I wonder if I’m saying things as good as I could. I do know that the more you do something the better you get! So I’ll just keep doing!
    Every body needs your drawing on take 5 I love that. Pasted it on my wall.

  30. Breaking everything down into doable tasks is the key. I also use Microsoft OneNote to organize my computer chaos. It’s an underused, but really good, program.

    Thanks for the fine article!

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