This is what it’s all about here in iShine land. I – meaning you and me – Shine. It IS your day to shine. Really. If you are suffering from anxiety? Read it twice.

Not right now. I’d like to but. Someday when. I’d love to. I wish I could. When I have time I’ll. Oh Crap. How can I improve this. What is the one best thing

Looking For Beta Testers! If you’d like to help me to revamp this challenge let me know in the comment section below, I’ll sign you up for free! Basically once I get it reviewed

Good morning Vietnam! I say that once in awhile in remembrance of the movie with Robin Williams in it. It’s an old movie, I only remember it was a good one with a great

There is no time, like the present. There is no time in which you will have as much power as you have right now, at this very moment. I know that you’ve heard this

Today was day 7 in the 5 Minutes for 30 Days Challenge. Counter Tops. It Looks Quite Messy Doesn’t It! When I took my before and was mortified. It looks way worse than it

CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE – REALLY… When I started asking myself this question in every area of my life, my life started changing. And continues today. That question is WHAT ISN’T WORKING? Try this

Welcome to the first instalment in my new Queen of KAOS Mindset Series. Today we are turning Mountains Into Molehills… Let’s get started! Listen to this Queen of KAOS 5 Minute Fix Podcast about

I’ve been focusing on a January 1 – 2020 due date. To finally have things decluttered and in order so that I can get on with the ‘real stuff’ that I want to do

I’ve been focusing on a January 1 – 2020 due date. To finally have things decluttered and in order so that I can get on with the ‘real stuff’ that I want to do