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What To Do On Family Day?Wondering what to do on Family day?

Since it’s Family Day here in Canada today I thought I’d post an idea or two.

1. Dance! Kids and Moms (and even some Dads!) love to dance. Put on your favourite tunes and have an imprompto dance party.

2. Bake something together. My kids usually like this because it means that they are getting something good to eat.

You can make it even more fun by dancing while you bake!

Just be careful not to burn yourself or drop anything.

And be sure to record your recipe so that you can start a family tradition and make it next time – or tweak it if it doesn’t turn out quite right… It doesn’t have to take a long time to do this.

Here are a few of my own healthy recipes with chocolate chips to increase the fun factor – follow the links at the bottom of each post for more…

Healthy Chocolate Chip Muffins

Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies

(I’m getting hungry)

3. You can probably tell that I’m extremely popular among my children as I think that playing Get It Done Games are a fun way to spend quality family time :0)

If you would like to spend some productive quality time with your family but don’t know what to do, here are a few Get It Done Games that you can choose one or a few from.

20 Minute Match Game

Beat the Clock Game

5 Things Numbers Game

Double Day Game

Today Would Be a Great Day If Game

You may want to tweak some of these to be more suitable (ie. fun) as a Family Day activity, but they may give you some great ideas and possibly allow you to get a few things done too. (do remember that the emphasis is on the fun today – the productivity is an optional bonus.)

Share your tweaks in the comments section!

A few other things that you may want to do?

4.  Feed the birds. If you don’t have a bird feeder, you can make a nice one using an old milk carton here (I made this one at Christmas, it is still hanging but I didn’t have a glue gun so it has lost some of it’s decorations. I am making a new one for spring.)

You can get a lot more craft ideas here as well.

5. Go for a walk. It is a magnificent day here. If it is at your place too, grab the kids and go for a nice long walk today. Take the dog before you attempt activity number 5 below.

6. Wash the dog. Hey, dogs are people too!

Maybe your children might like the idea of washing and brushing Fido. Once he’s all spiffed up, maybe he can join the fun as an honorable member on family day too – muttering the words ‘aren’t you a pretty boy/girl will always liven up any occasion and lighten the mood. (OK, this may not be the most thrilling of family day activities, but since I’ve got to wash my dog today, I thought you might want to do it too!)

7. Snuggle up and read a book. If your kids are older, you can all read your own book. If they are younger enjoy this time with time and read them a few stories – with conviction! (one of my favourite memories of story time is way back when I used to read to my son – he is 21 now so his Barney days are sadly over – I was innocently reading thinking I was doing a bang up job when he piped in and said, “Mom, why don’t you read with conviction??

Turns out his grade one teacher was coaching them on how to read with conviction.

To this day he is a very passionate speaker, I still think that I have his grade one teacher to thank!)

8. If you have a sister (or can borrow one) have a or relative with kids who you enjoy spending time with, make it a point to go over and visit them today or have them over at your house.

My sister has 5 kids. The memories of visiting them when they were little are still some of my most precious.

You never know what life is going to bring. My sister moved away when they where all still children so I’m glad that I used to spend a lot of time inviting myself over to her house!

9. Make a nice meal and sit down at the dinner table together to eat it.

10. Watch a movie or two. Wind down the day with a full out relaxation time watching a good movie together.

 I think it’s highly underated as a family activity, especially if it’s an occasional event.

And especially if the munchies are good.

What we are eating now? Tortillia chips with melted cheese and salsa. Yum!

11. Just chill! Relax. Don’t worry about an agenda. Spend today enjoying all that you are as a family and be thankful for the home that you have created, (even if your kids are older and out with their friends). These are the good old days and Family Day come only once a year.

What not to do?

Don’t spend the day surfing around on the internet!

Shut down and enjoy the day.

BTW, if you don’t have an official Family Day or if your work place doesn’t give you the day off, celebrate it anyway.

Family Day is a concept that is not ruled by anyone but you ultimately.

In reality, every day is Family Day. Don’t miss out…

About the Author

Jan Ferrante

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