Many times the things that are nagging us are very small. We are so muddled that we tell ourselves we can’t do them and they all add up.

Today, take a deep breath and say…

Today Would Be a Great Day If…

Write it on your white board or on your BOOST Housework Circuit Sheet.

Try it today and then try making it a habit to ask yourself this every morning when you are starting your day.

After a few of them, you’ll find out how good it makes you feel to have so many great days!


I love white boards. This is my favourite method to clear the space between my ears and to get clear on what I want to do and what needs to be done. And it keeps it right in front of me which seems to be a necessity.

I snapped a picture so that you can see my board. I have a nice spot for it up front and center.

Basically when you ask yourself this question you are giving yourself your hearts desire.

It sure takes the to do list up a notch!

It is best to keep it as short as possible, one to two things are actually better than more.

I have a few of the daily habits I want to be sure I create listed, but once I know they are coming to me automatically I won’t be putting them here, unless I start to fall back on them.

NOTE: These don’t have to be big tasks.

Today is going to be a great day for me if I wash the roasting pan and get it off of the counter!

To find out how to do your BOOST Housework Circuit with a Free Game Printable Package that you can play anytime (and have your family join too) and a lot more, join us in the No KAOS Zone.

About the Author

Jan Ferrante

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  1. Hi Jan!
    Thanks so much for this…
    Today would be a great day if….. I managed to get all laundry put away in the right rooms The kitchen sink managed to stay empty all afternoon
    We had time as a family to play Monopoly this evening.

    Have a great day!

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