Boys Will Be Boys Damn It!

I hope you didn't eat the donut that Jake gave you last night, my daughter says to me this morning.

I ate some of it I say guiltily, thinking she's going to give me a spiel about nutrition and weight loss.

Oh, because Dillan licked it. He thought Jake was going to eat it.

Say what?  At first I thought she was pulling a cruel joke.

But as she continued to repeat over and over, I started to get the picture.

Jake got out to take his friend Dusty's snowboard out of the Jeep for him and Dillan said "Watch this" and licked Jake's donut – all over. 

Oh, how interesting I say, silently thankful that he didn't roll it in something or spit on it. 

To begin at the beginning… Jake, my son was snowboarding with his friends last night, and picked my daughter up on his way home.

When they got home I was in bed but he asked me if I wanted his donut because he got too many and couldn't eat it.

And I thought that his natural aptitude for sharing chocolate with me was a good thing. 

Normally, after I go to bed I don't eat double chocolate sprinkle donuts but that fateful night… I made an exception.

So I took it. And I ate a few bites, congratulating myself that I stopped and even thinking too late that I should have saved it for my daughters lunch. To my credit, in my sleepy stupor, I was thinking it would be too stale by morning… dieting while sleeping is supposed to be easier than this…

So I didn't think much of it, actually I had forgotten all about it until this morning when I was asked THE QUESTION.

It could be worse, Dillan is one of my favourite son's friends, and he's clean. But I don't know if I like him THAT much. Eating his donut lick is taking it a little far. I start to wonder if he brushed his tongue, or when did he brush his teeth last? Did he floss? Isn't HIS mother supposed to be worrying about such things?

And suddenly my tongue doesn't feel very good. 

Maybe I'm weird, but I do think it's funny. It's going to be a classic. And I can't wait to see the expression on his face when he sees me next time.

He's a shy, nice donut licking kid. It's going to be a hoot. I could really have some fun with this one.

Any ideas? Maybe I should offer him a donut Wink

Oh, and nice sister. Kids. Never a dull moment. 

BTW, Aurelia Williams has put out a guide on a subject that has a lot of us baffled, in her Real Life Guidance series.

It's called Understanding Your Teen for those of us who just don't understand :0)

Understanding Your Teen

 (I think I was one once, but I reserve the right to silence on the grounds that it may incriminate me!)
If you have a teen and would like some ideas on teen issues and to take advantage of what may be the last few years to influence the kind of adult they become (no donut licking allowed!)…
and what to do with them when they are off the phone…
check this affordable eguide out. 
I own it myself, and I can say that this is some of the best value on the internet.
If you are having problems with the care and feeding of your teenager, check this out.
Your teens will thank you. 

About the Author

Jan Ferrante

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  1. ROFLMBO Oh my! For some reason when I first came across your post, I assumed the “boys” in question would both be related to you. The fact that it was not “related” licking had me laughing out loud, and then disgusted. 🙂

    You could thank Jake for the donut he gave you the other night in front of the friend. Make a big deal about how good it was. Better than usual. I’ll have to remember to get that kind again. LOL

  2. Good one Shannon, I can see his face going 15 shades of red. It is a good thing that I’ve known him since he was a little boy, he just lives around the corner and he really is a sweet kid (I think) it somehow dims the pain :0)

    On the other hand, had it been Jake’s other friend, who ate a spider in his sandwich (I’m suspecting his friends have got a very strange sense of humour) I wouldn’t have thought it was so funny!

    Milton, my husband still does that. So does his brother :0)

  3. queenofkaos, OK, this isn’t another licking incident, but it’s relevant so, I share: Growing up, as with most families, my dad sat @ the head of the table literally & figuratively. Once, a relative was visiting & @ dinner time, the relative did the unspeakable! He attempted to sit at the helm of the table! My dad saw him approach his spot &, in a move to preserve the balance of the family universe ( …familyverse), slid his plate across the table so it would precede him there & block the relative. Problem was there was no table cloth on the table & the plate, having no brakes, sailed off onto the floor. There was spaghetti all over the floor & egg all over dad’s face. He kept his seat though!

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