Jan Ferrante - Queen of KAOS

The other morning I was making a game with myself to declutter enough clothes from my closet to try to fill a bag with things to donate to Value Village.

We are making a trip where there is a store so I didn't want to miss the chance. I like to donate there because

1 – They make it very easy. They have a drop off door were someone helps to unload and they even gave me a coupon off of my next shopping trip in the store. Which I haven't used yet. I will when I need something specific from the store.

2 – I like to support a business that sells recycled items. It is so important to the environment and to help people save money to have this option available. I went shopping there a few years ago and got a complete colour coordinated wardrobe for under $100 (a good weeks worth of skirts, vests, sweaters and shirts.) I think that there should be more of them selling other recycled items, since there are masses of perfectly good things like renovation materials going to landfill. It's only logical.


I found that it was a challenge because I've already been doing so much decluttering. It's really become a regular part of my outlook.

My motto in 2008 was 'clear spaces'.

But upon having a closer look, I found that there had been some obvious psychological roadblocks going on over the years that I had hung on to these remaining items.


Putting these things to words and thoughts were quite a revelation for me. The first step was to notice my thoughts when I was going through my things.

That is one of the best things you can do. Don't just declutter the obvious. Pay attention to what you are thinking as you are examining and making your decisions.

You may find yourself disputing some of your own decisions :0) 

1 – The Invisible Bar. I had an invisible bar that I never crossed. When I got rid of things before, every time I went a little deeper but there were quite a few things that I never even considered as things 'up for grabs'. As a given I just kept them without even thinking about it. It wasn't until I had gotten rid of most of the surface or 'easy' stuff' that I found myself moving onto the next layer.

The strange thing was that all of this time, I didn't even realize that I had been hanging on to them.

2 – Sentimental Reasons Long Past – I had a huge sweater hanging in my closet for the past 24 years that a boy I went out with gave me. He was very nice but he wasn't the 'love of my life'. But when he gave it to me he told me how much the sweater meant to him because it had been his. It was a gift from his heart and that made me never consider getting rid of it. The odds that I would ever be able to return it to him are very low, and other than that, I find it itchy so don't wear it. So I finally decided to let it go and free up a large part of my closet.

3 – It Reminds Me of Something – I bought a really cute little dress (from Value Village) years ago but I never wear it. I do like it, it's short, black with silver on top and fringes. Not something you would wear anywhere. I kept it because I realized that it reminded me of one of my favourite Halloween costumes when I was a kid. One year my grandmother who was a seamstress made me a flapper dress. I loved being a flapper for Halloween. When I realized this, I was able to let it go because the free space is more important to me. I can remember that Halloween anytime I want without it.

4 – Because It's An Original – I have a blue sweater (that I bought at Value Village :0) that I liked so much I bought a few more like it this year in different colours. But now that I have them, I don't really need the blue one. It's worn out and doesn't look as nice as the rest. But I never considered getting rid of it because it had been the first one. After I realized that I now have about 5 other sweaters that I wear regularly (I always wear a sweater) I was able to let it go.

5 –  I Liked Them New – I have to admit, I am a person who when I like something, will wear it for decades until it is mere threads hanging off my back. I realized that I was keeping things that were great when they were new, but now are just rags who's time has come – and gone. I was able to let them go.

6 – Doubles – I had some items that I used to wear a lot so over the years had collected a few. I used to wear sweatshirts a lot. I have gotten rid of a lot of them but still found 2 blue ones in an overstuffed drawer. I struggled, 'just in case', but got rid of one of them. The other I kept for wearing if I go skidooing etc. It has a purpose.  But I am watching. If I don't wear it this winter, it will be going this spring.

7 – My Needs Have Changed – Again, I wear sweaters now instead of sweatshirts, so there really is no reason for me to keep them but it did take me quite awhile to let them go – just because I had always had them. Also, I used to wear vests because I weighed 10lbs more than I do now and had more hiding to do. It finally occurred to me that I haven't been wearing any vests for about a year now. Also, sometimes parts of outfits go missing and we forget that we don't wear the part we have left anymore. I have a vest to match some pants that I don't even have anymore.


Sometimes after we have decluttered all that we think we can, we still find ourselves with too much clutter. 

Here are a couple of things that I did to take a load off.


I had 2 red sweaters, having just bought a new one for Christmas day. (one of the things on my Big Christmas List).

But my old one was still nice so rather than get rid of it, I went to my closet and chose an older jacket that I had worn quite a bit and was reluctant to get rid of. But it was wearing out and the dog chewed the zipper – did I really need to keep it? Not if it meant choosing the red sweater instead, so I decided to let it go. 


Remember to use this one sparingly. Never store anything that should be tossed just because you want to put off the decision.

Every time you do that, you are handling it more than you need to, taking up valuable time and brain power, and of course, you are taking up the physical space and energy of storing it.

Better to decide up front and get rid of what you can first. Then store.

But, there comes a time when we don't need our shorts and bathing suits cluttering up our winter sweater drawer.

In that case, it's time to move them to storage.


I used to use plastic garbage bags to store things, but as I'm getting better at keeping less and finding them hard to manage – I can never find things and they always have to be rewashed when I pull them out – I think I will move to totes this year. Maybe I can even free up enough room in my closet to keep them in there – much easier than the basement or the storage area that I usually use – our old mobile home that is 100 feet down the driveway. I can use the free space in there too so it's a great new evolution. 

If you are having trouble letting go remember… life is not a smorgasborg… of clutter. 

It is a smorgasborg of choices, opportunities and clear spaces.

Live your life in BOLD.

Live life without clutter so that all the good stuff can shine through. 


If you are having a hard time letting go of your things, and finding yourself digging through clutter to get to the items you use, or having a hard time finding things at all, here are a few places to start.

LOOK FOR DOUBLES – Do you have more than one of the same items? The same colour, style etc that you don't really need or use? Let go of one of them to give yourself the use of that item, plus the clear space and peace of mind that comes with it.

LOOK AT THINGS WITH A NEW EYE – Some things grow on us. Literally. Have you had some items so long that they really are just junk now, but somehow you never noticed? Go through your things with a new eye, looking for things that truly are ready to go.  Remember, any of these that you get rid of will allow your good stuff to shine through.

DO YOU REALLY USE THEM ANYMORE? Sometimes we hold onto things because we used to use them a lot. Count the years. More may have gone by than you realize. If the odds are good that they have outgrown their usefulness and been replaced by something else, make more room for that something else so that you can enjoy it more. You never know, someone else may find it and it could be just the thing they need – now.

IF YOU ARE REALLY HAVING TROUBLES – Put everything that you can using the categories above into boxes, and then store the boxes somewhere. It's somehow easier if you know that your decision isn't final. If you find that you are not rooting through the box to get things that you suddenly need, give yourself a month or a season – get rid of the box.

It's important that you don't look in the box first. If you needed anything in it, you would know by now and it would have been already removed.

Just load it up and be happy with your new clear spaces.


My Spring Cleaning Challenge is one of the best things that I can think of to help you go deeper in decluttering things like closets, storage, cupboards and piles.

I took the challenge last spring and was completely amazed, I removed 2 full car loads of clutter from my house. And I didn't even think I had that much at all before I started.

It takes 20 minutes a day, you can do it on less and see progress if that is all that you have. I always say that something is better than nothing, unless it's clutter!

You can do it again if you like, or do different rooms for round 2. Once you know the process, you can use it anywhere.

You receive not only reading material, but a complete ACTion plan to your email daily until all of the major rooms of your house are complete. And I also provide a support group where you can post any questions, post your progress and get extra resources. 

Get a buddy to do it too, and use the forum to help and encourage each other.

It's all there waiting for you. You can choose.

Clear spaces or clutter. 

Spring Cleaning Challenge – Clear spaces R US! Even if it's snowing :0)

About the Author

Jan Ferrante

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  1. When I read everything that has been written here about decluttering, I feel I want to dive in there and start. Jan, you seem to know exactly how I feel regarding my desire to dispense with my clutter that has accumulated in our home over the past decade. You have hit it on the head when discussing psychological roadblocks. I’m going to look into joining the Spring Cleaning Challenge!

  2. Hi Fiona, clutter really has interfered with my happiness over the years. When my kids were young it just seemed to creep up without my realizing it and it took me a very long time to get a handle on it.

    I find that it’s still an ongoing process that never seems to be finished. But nothing feels better than a new clear space and another bag out the door! I’ve started to get more joy in getting rid of things than in getting them!

    I have a surprise for you :0)

    You are the winner of my new monthly Mom’s give away.

    I will be sending you a free copy of the Spring Into Spring Challenge. I’m on my laptop now, but watch for it in your email tomorrow.

    I know that you are going to do great and be so happy as you conquer that clutter out of your life!

    I’ll have more details about the monthly give away coming up!

  3. Came across this poat of yours jan just today ;P.
    I just want to add that the Spring into Spring Challenge is really something.
    At the beginning, I was a wee bit sceptical. I was determined that I would put this plan into practice and shape up my home.
    Well, I want to tell you that it did work. Over a year on, our home seems a different place, more welcoming, cleaner, fresher , and definitely less cluttered! I have more time and energy for myself, and if I’ve to miss a day because of some pressing engagement, or I’m feeling a little under-the -weather, – it doesn’t matter.
    Now folks, I’m not saying that I do this every day of my life. I do use this 6-week programme about 3 times a year. I can accomplish tasks which previously seemed impossible.
    I’m delighted that I won the giveaway.
    If you feel you, or your home needs a “lift”, check it out!

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