
This one is quick and easy.

Don’t feel like picking up?

Just do 5 things – or you can use what ever number you want.

And then you are finished!

Ask your kids!

How many things can you do?

Good time to practice math or learning numbers – you can get little ones who are just learning how to write their numbers to keep score!

Give some bonus points for a little bit more!

This game works well with children because it has a very measurable ending.

It works well with older children too for the same reasons.

Since it is measured in the doing – not time – it won’t see to stretch on forever either.

JUST BE SURE to let them help to choose a number and not to make it so high as to turn this into a B O R I N G chore.

The main object of the game is to teach your child that they can do ‘5’ things quickly and painlessly and to keep the end benefit in mind.

That focus and completion can be their friend.


5 Things can make a difference – no matter how small – it is a step in the right direction.

If 5 things is too much for a small child – make it less.

We are mostly aiming to start – and finish.

Have some fun with it.


1. Put away 5 things.

2. Throw away 5 things.

3. Give away 5 things.

4. Pick up 5 things.

5. Tidy up 5 things.

6. Any combination of the above. Do 1 of each!



Through out this week I would like you to keep a score card for your child to fill in.

You can make it one point per day – and give bonus game points for any above and beyond efforts.

Decide with your child ahead of time what is expected of them – choose their goals with them – and what a good reward will be.

And follow through.

It can be something like a certain amount of money that will equal a small treat at the end.

It can be a certain amount of time you will spend with them doing an activity that they enjoy – reading with them, crafts, cleaning up – just kidding :0))

It can be agreeing to buy them something they like next time you go shopping or their favourite dinner – try to make it something healthy if you can.

You know your child – work with them!

Make this a happy time with your child where you will both look back and think about the good times – and the clean space (I’m assuming their bedroom here but you guys choose where you want to focus the game time – it can be somewhere completely different that will make something better for both of you.

The age of your children will play a part.

A few ideas…

School stuff organization.

Snack area in fridge or cupboard.

Clothes closet.

Entrance area – picking up and making a drop off/pick up basket can work wonders.

The sky is the limit!

It’s your home, your child, your time. Together.

Keep it light and help if they need it.

And do your own game too!


It’s always more fun when Mom joins in.


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About the Author

Jan Ferrante

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    1. It sure can and this is something to keep in mind – but if things are unruly trying to focus on accomplishing some clean up is the main goal to use this time to start developing a habit and discovering that it isn’t so bad – it can actually be good to clean up quickly with focus and enthusiasm and then enjoy the benefits. I am all for spending fun time with the kids as well.

      Your children are precious and time is fleeting – anyone have suggestions on some things that would be awesome to do with your kids over break? What do you do? What do you want to do? Post your favourite links, resources, crafts and activities!

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