Housework Schedule Rules

Housework Schedule Rules – if I HAVE to…

I woke up this morning, my kitchen was full of sunlight, the air was the beautiful summer kind and I was ready to jump right in to things.

Hmmm. What should I do first?

Wait a minute.

Why am I asking myself that question?

I already know the answer.

Or maybe it's better answered by what shouldn't I do first.

I shouldn't jump online and read email, check twitter and browse websites.

I shouldn't even sit down and begin a productive project time pocket unless it meets one criteria – it improves my home.


Because it is so easy to get started with the day and on it goes.

And on and on and next thing I know it's evening and I haven't done any cleaning except for maybe a bit of dishes and laundry.

If this happens too often, for example 2 whole days, the house is in disarray and EVERYTHING else that I do looses it's shine.


So I've made a deal with myself – every day I start the morning (after coffee until I kick the habit again) with my BOOST Circuit.

It makes all the difference in the quality of life around here, especially during the summer holidays and even if I do 30 minutes, it makes a huge difference in the day. 

The next deal I have made with myself is that I do my exercises every exercise day.

I don't have a set in stone time for it, but if they aren't done by 7:00 in the evening, I drop what I'm doing and get to it.

These 2 'deals' will save me more guilt and self dissatisfaction than anything else I can imagine.

They will take me from being ineffective and stressed, to being healthy and strong and feeling great about myself as the chief caretaker of our home. 


Can you tell me? You can put your deal in the comments section below.

I would LOVE to know! 


The good news, and the bad news is that we are not alone.

We all have our reasons why we would rather, or must do other things.

The bottom line seems to be – just get it out the way consistently, either as small pieces daily or in a larger piece weekly – but it must be done to preserve our sanity and our well being.


Is it harder to worry about not doing it than it is to do it? 


I've included a few links below that I thought where of interest because there are so many people with so many different challenges.

We are never alone!  

Ways to Make Myself to do Housework

Devote some time each day to housework, then quit. Find some time in your schedule and make housework part of your daily routine. You can do it all at once or break it up into smaller cleaning session. Decide what you will do each day …

Aargh – lost my 6/7 schedule

I'm unhappy about it, but I'm also determined not to let it derail the routines I'd set up around my health care, housework, yard work, exercise, and food prep (the main reasons I'd wanted the alternative schedule to begin with). …

Home Organization Tips – Housework Schedule

Finding keeping the house organized a challenge? Read Janice's advice as a woman who is in the field and knows her stuff. Some tips and ideas to help you succeed at maintaining your home. (thank you!)

I am making myself a weekly schedule

My schedule is Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM. I have even less time to do housework and writing then I did before. Therefore, I am going to attempt a daily schedule again. I have tried a schedule before, …

housework done? well, no…sorta..a little

I guess I need a schedule lol. What’s bad about this…I have only one daughter at home and she’s not a little one, hubby is gone a week at the time and this is all i’m getting done lol. Sighs, I guess I’m gonna get off here and get my …

Schedule Struggles

I need time for the following: yoga, exercise, family, work, housework, my wife, and relaxation. Even as I type it, I get tense because I am already trying to count the minutes and hours in my head. Invariably, my conclusion is that I …

Housework Schedule

To keep a home clean and free from clutter, it is always good to have a housework schedule and stick to it. Below is a list of houseworks and an example of a housework schedule of when to get things done around my home. …

Simple Daily Housework Schedule

Think of housework this way: It blesses your family to have a clean and cheerful home plus you get some exercise and burn calories. Imagine having a home with perpetually clean bathrooms… If you deep clean your bathroom one time then …

It’s Your Day to Shine

About the Author

Jan Ferrante

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  1. Obviously, I need to stop spending so much time hopping from one website (blog) to another. That’s how I found you and now I’m spending more time sending this message! 🙂

    Seriously, this is a great post and I need to be more conscious of finishing things I start. I think I’ll do that RIGHT NOW!

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