Financial Freedom Fridays

After watching Suze Orman on Oprah's Live Your Best Life show, I really was pumped about getting a budget going and changing our spending habits.

So I put one together that revolves around going back to using a cash system and having much firmer boundaries as to who gets what and what we are all responsible for.

Today was our first day out!

It was a real eye opener.


I was really pleased with the conversation going on with my two daughters.

The main event of our trip to the mall was to get my 15 year old a cell phone.

She wanted the same one that her friend had.

The deal was that she pays for all but $10 per month herself.

The reason I agreed to help out was that I would like her to have a phone when she is out.

She was going with the $20 plan, bare bones package.

That is of course until we got to the store.

Let the selling begin!

By the time we were finished, the bare bones options where either $56 or $76!

She swayed and almost bit, but then she said "Can I think about it while we're shopping?".

After thinking for about 3 minutes she realized that it was much more than she had bargained for, although she could still get the real bare bones package for about $36 per month.

She decided to wait and think some more.

When we got home I was quite impressed with her line of thinking. I said to her that if she REALLY wanted it, she could earn the money by working for me.

She replied that even if that is the case, she still thought it was too much to pay and would rather spend that money on other things.

And then she worked on a plan. 

UPDATE: She just came in having figured out the difference in her total cost with the different plans and which is the best way to go. She has a plan including how she is going to handle her payments and is calling the store tomorrow to check that she has the numbers right.

If all goes well, she figures that she will be paying half as much over two years by not paying for things she doesn't need. 

All in all it's been a terrific learning experience for her. 


On our way home she was disappointed and said "I'm tired of spending money".

She sure did hit the nail on the head with that one!

I said we are all tired of spending money, and I realized as I said it just how true it was.

You can't seem to walk in the door to anywhere these days without spending twice as much as you feel you should, or can afford.

It all becomes too much.

Too much spending.

Too much pressure.

Too much noise.

And too much stuff.

How about we stop the insanity?


Take the time to think about any purchases like my daughter did. 

Don't bend to pressure or muddled thinking.

It's ok to take your time.

It's ok to say no.

Count your money all the way to the bank instead.


Watch for our new Making Change series coming up every Friday. 

Get your money on track.

You may be surprised, it's easier than it looks, with a little help. 

Next week watch for how I saved $40 – $60 by making one small change.

And I didn't feel a thing.

Except more money in my wallet as I walked out of the store.

Stay tuned…


What change are you making in your financial habits, big or small? 

Share your tips and experiences with us in the comments section below.

Maybe we can give them a try too. 

About the Author

Jan Ferrante

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