Kids Christmas Crafts Ideas

Tis the season for kids to make Christmas Crafts!

Kids can make crafts for gifts, to decorate the house, for recycled tree ornaments and just to have fun.

Here are some tried and tested fun crafting ideas that your kids will love.


1. Christmas cards are always a great craft. Provide the kids supplies like construction paper, card stock, scissors, glue, glitter (the bottles of glitter/glue in one package are a very nice low-mess way to dress up a project), pencils, crayons or markers and old Christmas cards and anything else that strikes their fancy. Even finger paint can be a crafty hit.

By cutting pictures out of old cards, even the younger children can make something really nice (and recycle at the same time). Or take it up a notch and let them include some of their own pictures, you know the ones, the wallet size that you have 100 copies of anyway :0) Relatives love to get these and kids love to give them.

2. Snow globes are a favorite. I love snow globes. They are fascinating to watch and can fancy up lots of spaces. If they want, your kids could even make a collection, either all at once or year by year.

Gather glass or clear plastic containers, like baby food jars or mustard or mayonnaise jars.

Wash and dry them completely.

Gather small plastic Christmas or winter decorations. Try to find some that float.

Winter themed stickers or small foam cutouts are also nice. Decorate the outside of the jar with stickers or glue a few of the foam pieces on it. Attach a couple of the floating pieces (things like snowflakes or stars work well) to string and glue a figure to the inside with the string underneath the figure to anchor it (which will become the base).

Fill the jar with water and some glitter. Carefully glue the lid in place using waterproof glue and let dry. Once dry, shake it, set it lid down and watch the glitter swirl around.

WARNING: This one might need careful adult supervision – or lots of towels and maybe a bathing suit :0) 

3. Candy crafts can be fun, as well as a tasty gift. A candy train can be a quick craft that can be used as a decoration or gift. Use a roll of hard candy (like Lifesavers) for the main part of the train. Use individually wrapped round candy, like peppermints for the wheels. For the front, glue a square candy, such as a caramel or a Starburst with a Hershey kiss on top. If you add a string, they can be used as a tree decoration. Experiment with other kinds of candy to create other things, like robots, animals or even angels.

The kids will love making this one, and keeping a few for themselves. 

4. I love this idea, I have a thing for mini Christmas trees. You can use any colour of garland to match your decor as well. So what's the idea?

Garland trees can be a great project for the kids, especially if there is limited room for a Christmas tree. Take a large piece of green poster board and cut a circle, with a slit out to make a cone. Tape it with clear packing tape. Take an artificial pine garland and wrap it around the cone, completely covering it to create a small tree. Fasten the ends in place so it doesn't unwrap. The tree can be decorated with lightweight paper ornaments that the children can also make.

5. A cozy fireplace can warm up any room but not everyone has one. Let the kids make one. Find a large cardboard box and cut an opening in the one side for the fireplace. Using sponges, paint bricks on the box, leaving space in between to be the mortar. Paint the inside black if you want. Paint flames on the inside back section of the box. Use paper towel rolls to stack up in the fireplace as logs. Decorate the top to look like a mantel. 

This could make a great little show place for some of your other special homemade Christmas crafts.

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About the Author

Jan Ferrante

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