How To Declutter

I've found over the last few weeks of participating in the Declutter Day challenge, that I am seeing real results.

I'm enjoying clear spaces were before there where piles that gave me stress every time I looked at them.

They seemed to have been there forever with no end in site!


Part of the problem was that I hadn't been putting aside focused and guaranteed time to actually do the projects.

That's where the Declutter Day challenge comes in. It is a big part of winning the battle. Another problem is that we have no real system for decluttering.

I learned a lot from using the Declutter Fast book, it gave me a good routine to follow, and also went farther than that in helping me to create homes and stations around the house.

I have found these to be key in allowing me to avoid merely moving piles from one to the next, and in keeping it nice after I am finished.


If you've ever spent a day cleaning a house to look up and find that it really doesn't look that much different, you know what I mean.

The piles may be different but the room remains the same – cluttered.

Or equally disheartening, you clean your house and see an improvement, but it looks the same again in a few days… or less.

By following the Declutter Fast system – there are actually more than one to choose from – and the key to all of them is their simplicity – I've seen results.

And I like to do it. It's kind of weird, but I feel out of sorts if I don't get my weekly D-Clutter session in.

It doesn't have to be big, it just has to be something.


And that is another key.

Feeling frustrated and hopeless takes energy.

Energy we could be using to make it better, but at some point we get lost.

It seems hopeless and useless to even try anymore.

That is because we always feel like we are running in place, or even sliding back – no matter how fast we go.

I've found by creating a Declutter Day, I feel that I am moving ahead, because I always choose a job that is not one that will have to be done again – this is not a maintenance program.


For example – I will not choose clean the counter as my declutter task because dishes, wiping etc are going to be there again in a few hours.

But I might choose to DEEP CLEAN the counter. Remove kitchen equipment like the bread machine, blender etc that I used to keep on the counter.

Remove things that don't belong at all but have become part of the scenery.

Choose a theme if I like and keep only those things on the counter if there is room (on mine I went with stainless steel and miniatures – so I have a few stainless steel things and a few miniature things that look nice – they contribute to the peace and beauty of the kitchen – they are not things that suck my energy when I look at them collecting dust.

I give it a wipe behind things and polish things that I don't normally do.

That would count as a Declutter Day project.


Another important thing is that you choose a project that can be accomplished within your selected time limit.

If you want to do a bigger project, you can… you will just need to commit to doing it over a few sessions… how ever many it takes.

And be realistic… both with the amount of time it takes to do the task, and in deciding how much time you have to do it.

And then decide when you will do it. Choose a time during the week that will best allow you to set aside the time you want to use.

If there is non, use micro time pockets wisely… pick at it a little at a time through the week. You'll be amazed at how much you get accomplished.

When you have decided these things, you have no where to go but up.


Peace. Beauty. Calm. Self Respect.

I guarantee it.

As soon as you start seeing improvement where there had been none before, you will feel all of these things. And more.


And you can do a lot with that!


Why not give it a try?

It doesn't take much.

You can sign up for free weekly reminders and get a window on what I am up to for the week.

You can choose your own declutter day task, or you can work along with me and do what I am doing.
Your choice.

The only important thing is that you try it.


The more the merrier. What's better than my own house being clutter free and my family being happier?

It's knowing that there are other moms and children out there benefiting with me!

Take a minute to have a look. It could be the best thing you've done all week.

Personal Note: I've struggled with the clutter bug for a very long time but has recently found peace and hope and all the good stuff with a few simple programs. One of them is my Declutter Day reminder, (I use the Declutter Fast system), and the other is Take 5, a daily 5 minute task reminder.

Both take little time and have shown big results in how my house looks and how much easier it is to function in it.

About the Author

Jan Ferrante

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  1. Jan, this is a really wonderful idea to put things right before New Year!
    I’ve popped into ISHINE and have caught the “Motivation Bug” from you. I am all set with my Spring into Spring Challenge, My Take 5 Missions, and my Boost Circuit. So fat things are going smoothly and getting done.

    When you’re overwhelmed, you look at the big picture and deem it all an impossible task. The beauty about your system is that everything is broken down into do-able tasks, and nothing is overwhelming.
    I would love a “Declutter Day Reminder” as clutter is something we have to take care of before we get the duster out!
    I will be posting about my results on ISHINE!!!
    Thanks Jan.

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