Tag Archive | "home business focus"

A Simple Plan for 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010


If you haven’t been following a plan or outline of some kind for your business, now is a good time to create one to hit the ground running for the rest of 2010. It doesn’t have to be complicated, in fact, the simpler it is, the easier it will be to follow and the more […]

When You Try to Be All Things to All People…

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1 Comment

If you've been working on your online business for long, chances are that you've already found this out. The trouble is that it can be a habit that's hard to get out of . The trick, as always, is focus…  When You Try To Be All Things to All People… you become nothing to everybody […]

Create Your Business Model – Your Big Picture Road Map

Monday, October 19, 2009

1 Comment

Creating your business model is one of the most important things you can do in order to get the right things done, at the the right time. I recently sat down and thought about mine and put some tweaks together in the form of 4 keys – the major 4 areas that I want to […]

Focusing On Completion – the new rules of the game

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


What are you working on right now that is really going to give you results. That is building your business assets? Your bottom line. Take a minute to think about it. What's nagging you? And then get to it!

Manage It Monday – Home Business Focus

Monday, July 28, 2008


Summertime is the best time for lazing around dreaming. So it's the perfect time to refine and perfect your home business focus.

Ramp It Up.

Read All About It...

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Another home office organization motivator on video.

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I really like the idea to go vertical if you have a small space and manage work/home in the same space. Check out the shot of the floor to ceiling desk! 

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Get a bit of motivation and a few tips to organize your home office space. Why not take a few minutes, pick a few and put them in place today.

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Want to take dedication, commitment and expertise to the next level in your business? Must see video on what can be done. How can you be amazing like these modern day shepherds from Scotland? If they can do it…

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How much have your REALLY got? 

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I know after watching this, my home office seems just a little more comfortable. 



A Step Up Production by Jan Ferrante - Your Partner in ACTion.