Fresh Start – Going for the Sure Thing

It’s GREAT to be back, but I have to tell you… I just had the best summer I’ve had in years. I started out by making “Go For the Sure Thing” my motto.

For me that was anything I could do with my hands and see real, tangible results… that meant spending the least amount of time on the computer possible, hanging out with my kids and fully enjoying the summer.

I found myself reconnecting with the ‘real world’ – yeah, it’s still out there, beautiful as ever.

So I…

  • resurecting my garden – LOVED IT! …
  • did more cooking with ‘real food’…
  • made a conscious effort to shop locally and organically and support small home businesses with my buying power…

I generally went backwards to move ahead –

funny how that goes – I did what had always interested me before and what was best for my health and that of my family – doing what I KNEW would show results and benefit us.

 I guess I was looking for an obvious connection between my hands and what I had to show for it.

Some people call it living :0)

I found some amazing results –

  •  my stress level was almost non existent
  •  my health improved by leaps and bounds
  •  slowly but surely my head cleared and I found myself waking up and thinking for myself as I used to do, rather than searching for and following a script of what I was ‘supposed’ to be doing in every area as I had become accustomed to doing in the ‘information land of plenty’.
  • Slowly but surely, my creativity soared.

And I got clarity that I had been looking for on what direction to go in my business in a way that I would never have seen coming.

Since I was trying to support local home business I started shopping at the local farmers market.

After attending I thought that I would like to support it even further by joining in with a weekly table of handmade soaps and natural skin care ingredients – that has been my ‘nuts and bolts’ home business for almost 10 years now.

After I did that, I found a renewed interest in supporting the natural industry – for health and environment as well as the support of small home business owners.

I have plans to expand from selling supplies online to selling finished items as well which brings me to Queen of KAOS and WAHM in Focus.

What’s going to be happening with that?

Good things.

Rather than trying to work a rigid plan according to what I have read is supposed to be the ‘right way’ to do things, I will be posting to you as I have something I feel is beneficial to you based on my own experiences as I go along.

I have also regained focus in what I had originally planned to do with WAHM in Focus which is…

 to support work at home moms and dads who are trying to balance business and family so that both shine

 If you are reading this it is probably safe to assume that’s you!

Also, I will be writing to you in a more candid manner. In trying to ‘do it right’ in the past, I found myself censoring my writing to be ‘mainstream’ and ‘proper’.

In doing that I often left ‘me’ out of the equation. If I have one strong point, it has always been to call it as it is and not to candy coat or go with the program for the sake of conformity. To be true to my principals, to be innovative and to think for myself. I somehow feel that I lost that over the years of having my head ‘in the box’. How about you?

So, first thing I’d like to say.

Don’t be afraid to think for yourself.

You probably have some of your best ideas!

 Go figure!

It’s not always going to be popular, but I can tell you one thing…

 it will help you to develop cutting edge thinking and to spot trends years before they show.


Because you will be truly connected and another thing that I have learned – most people are just like you. At least enough of us that if you are feeling it, you can bet others are too.

Get out of the box :0)

Disconnect, step back, unhook, breathe.

And then make the connections that you need to be making between you, your family and your business.

I’ve said it before, and here I go again – YOU are the life blood of your business.

YOU need to connect with your business from your core – find the heart and soul of what you want to do and why before you can truly work on the success of your business.

And then stand by it.


Just for today – the entire week would be even better starting Monday – disconnect with all outer influences and reconnect with your inner center – what ideas can YOU think of to improve your product offerings, improve your customer service, improve your systems, improve your ‘shop’, whether that be your website or your offline offerings.

While there are a lot of ideas that you can get from others, your best ones will come from yourself because you know best what your business and customers need, especially if you have spent some time in reconnecting with your business and what you want to offer.

Once you have THOSE things taken care of, move on to refine your ideas by expanding your education – for example take a course INSIDE of your industry to increase your expertise and offerings.

Have a notebook handy, you are bound to come up with some great ideas and inspiration. Dedicate that notebook to your ideas AND action steps/scheduling to get them done – one at a time.

Today to get myself started I decided to use my new brain to outline my plan for the rest of 2010 as well as a schedule.

I will post the simple outline and PDF worksheet that I used for you Monday – you can use it to give a whopping fresh start to your week and the rest of 2010.

Meantime, mull it over. Think about what you really want for your business, what you want to accomplish and where you want to be positioned January 2011.

And don’t forget the most important thing. You are Mom too. Or Dad. Or maybe even Auntie or Uncle.

Make those connections too.









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Ramp It Up.

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Get a bit of motivation and a few tips to organize your home office space. Why not take a few minutes, pick a few and put them in place today.

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How much have your REALLY got? 

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I know after watching this, my home office seems just a little more comfortable. 



A Step Up Production by Jan Ferrante - Your Partner in ACTion.