Spending Time With the Kids

Tue, Aug 4, 2009

Working At Home With Kids

When There Just Aren't Enough Hours To Get Things Done

This is an easy trap to fall into.

Since there are no physical boundaries, it is so easy, especially when we are starting out to feel we should be working all the time because there is always something to do and hey, time is money, right?

When I first started I was totally unprepared. I had been used to spending time on the computer when I wanted, not when I had to, and I didn't think having a business would be much different. Wrong!

But if I had known then what I know now, it could have been much easier.

The answer?


Set work times. Set family time. Set meal time.

It doesn't necessarily have to be by the minute, but even a loose agreement with yourself works wonders.

I make sure that I am present in the mornings when the kids are getting ready for school.

I spend that time cleaning up, helping with lunches etc – not behind the computer even when I am in the middle of something. I drop it and come back. Funny thing is, when I get back, it's always still there waiting for me!

Same goes for after school. I try to be off by bus time and a few hours after for supper and what ever else may come up – homework, a walk to the mailbox etc. 

Sometimes I can't manage it but I try to make 5:00 the latest and pick up in the evening if I have to.

At the least, I try to take a bit of time in the afternoon to have a snack ready, or be sure there is stuff to snack on if I'm not going to have dinner ready – wash some fruit… cut up some veggies… whip up a salad is always good and keeps them out of the junk. 

I often grab my laptop and sit in the livingroom in the evenings to watch a few shows with my daughter.

I'm not fully present but I am not 'in the zone' either. I use this time mostly for piddly things that I can leave at a moments notice and watch the show too.

And sometimes I dump the laptop and just veg. Everyone needs to kick back once in awhile. 

I make noon on Saturday and Sunday's 'quitting time' at latest. I usually try to get off the computer and into the 'home zone' when everyone else starts moving around – usually around 10.

I also reserve the right to stay off completely if I want. I guess you could say weekend mornings are optional and many times I use them to do the things that I don't want to spend focused time during the week doing. 

Bottom line… weekends are for home and family first.

This is how I have set a few boundaries that guarantee a more balanced approach. At one time I had no boundaries, loose or otherwise and it really showed.


You will need to set your own boundaries according to your schedule and your family's schedule.

The important thing is that you do set them, and leave some white space. 

Watch tomorrow for the final installment – taking a good look at fitting time in with the kids when you feel you have to work because you need the money.

Here's the link if you missed the first installment in our three part series – "When to Spend Time With the Kids When You Work at Home".

Find out more about family balance and setting boundaries that work for you and your work at home business  with your free subscription to WAHM in Focus – your weekly piece of work at home sanity 

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