Natural Born KAOS

Tue, Apr 14, 2009


"KAOS is the mist that clears with Order" Jan Ferrante – Queen of KAOS

Working at home seems to invite KAOS.

Come to think of it, everything seems to invite KAOS unless we slam the door before it arrives.

Some people have a knack for that.

I don't know where it comes from.


Good training within the womb and beyond?

Dumb luck?

It could be any of those or a combination.

And then there are the rest of us.

All I can do is shrug my shoulders and say 3 words.

You might want to be sure that you are sitting down.


Those of you who identify know exactly what I'm talking about.

And shudder to think of it.

If you are blessed with the gene and find yourself working at home, creating your own business, the concept can be taken to new heights.

And new lows.


When we create our first business, I like to call it the honeymoon phase.

All is fresh and new.

The possibilities are endless.

No doubt or misdeed has soiled our baby.

KAOS hasn't yet reared it's ugly head.

It's going to be great!


This could be called the pile phase.

New opportunities. New ideas. New horizons.

We pile them on.

Then they start showing up.

Piles on our desk. On our floor.

In our closet. On our chair.

We start incorporating looking for things into our schedule.

We start putting things off that we know should be done.

We start to wonder if this was such a good idea.

But it's ok, there is always tomorrow.


Usually the phrase 'tomorrow never comes' refers to a bad thing.

Tomorrow is a procrastinators dream come true.

The problem is, tomorrow does come.

  • Tomorrow is the day that the bill comes due – we forgot to pay it. Heck, we haven't seen it in months. What was it for again?
  • Tomorrow is the cut off for the project we've been working on. And working on. And working on. Going nowhere with because we haven't had a plan. We can't even find most of it.
  • Tomorrow is tax day. The day when all the balls that you find yourself juggling come crashing down because you have to take a month to catch up and get your taxes in – late.
  • Tomorrow is the day that you throw up your hands and admit …this isn't great. It's not what I had in mind. I'm not cut out for this. It's too hard. I will never dig myself out of this hole. I can't do this.


If you find yourself in this position, don't feel bad. It's more common than you might think.

This predicament is a major reason for work at home burnout and failure.

But it doesn't have to be the end.

Here's the question.


And here are the answers :0)

Simplify – A big part of the predicament of KAOS is that there is just too much. Too much stuff and too much detail.

Let go.

Cut down to the bare minimum. The things that count. You'll find yourself doing them better.

Retrace your steps – Pinpoint the places where you went wrong. When did you zig instead of zag? What did you take on that you shouldn't have. What didn't you drop that you should have? Go back, get the wheels in motion to make it right.

Breath – It's far better to work from a place of calm. Breathing is a surpising fix for that. Take a few minutes to breath. Deeply. You might be surprised at the ideas and energy that appear with each breath.

Learn from your mistakes – When we find ourselves overwhelmed and not so overjoyed, we have a tendency to want to bury it all and pretend that it never happened.

But we can get some real benefit from noting our mistakes and learning from them.

We will know far better what to do next time. Maybe even tomorrow.

Take a break – Step back and look at the big picture. This will really help you to clarify where to go from here. Your next action.

Get help – Help can come in the form of hiring someone to help you with the workload or it can be a mentor or coach to help you find out what to do and how to proceed. Sometimes you will need both.

It's always better to work smarter than to work harder. If you are hiring a coach, take the time to check references and be sure that he or she is a good one or you can find yourself wasting more time and in a bigger mess.

Try again – The experience and knowledge that you now have under your belt can be the jumping off point to start at a new level. You will know the signs and be ready for them before they become a problem. You will think first and act with direction.

Just think if you had known all of this in the first place?

Where would you be now?

You can be there yet!

Bottom line? – Working at home at a business that you have created for yourself requires structure. The problems start when you don't know how or what to do.

I would like to offer you Free Instant Access to these Queen of KAOS ACTionable Reports:
6 Steps to Increased Productivity for Your Online Business
and 5 Keys to Building Your Foundation of Success to help you along.

From Jan Ferrante, the Queen of KAOS.

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A Step Up Production by Jan Ferrante - Your Partner in ACTion.