Maximizing Your Blog Content – Pulling It All Together

Sat, Nov 29, 2008


Time Management and Productivity Article Library Directory

What is the single most effective way that you can use to maximize your blog content AND pull your business together?

Think about it for a minute and see what you come up with.

Chances are that the things that come to mind will be some of the top activities that you can do in your business.

If planning was one of them, then you hit the jackpot.

I struggled with this for a long time, knowing that there should be a way to pull things together better than I was, to add more content since I was bursting with ideas and information, to streamline and be more efficient, but I just couldn't seem to put my finger on it.

That is until I received Alice Seba's online business planner system.

If your blog is your 'store', it's the base that your online business is worked around, everything else springs from it.

So taking control and maximizing your content – creating an all around strategy around it only makes perfect sense.

And once I actually tried it, it became crystal clear, this was one of the main keys that I had been missing.

It doesn't happen over night.

Like all plans and new routines, it takes some time to refine, to try things out, to see what works for you and to gradually work yourself into the flow.

To change your state of mind, your frame of reference.

To be honest, I am writing this post a full month ahead of time.


Not so much because it is 'in the plan', but because the new method of planning has put my focus on content.

I got the idea for the post while mulling over another productivity article that I did.

I didn't feel that it exactly hit the point that I was trying to convey so I thought, why not write another one?

I didn't want to have them back to back since they are similar, so I loaded it a month in advance.

The subtle difference in my thinking is that before I would have just thought, 'I already wrote that post, writing another one would be too much the same thing right now', not considering that it may be right now, but not necessarily a month from now.

It's quite easy.

When inspiration strikes, catch it, and then simply use the schedule feature in wordpress.

You can use this feature to either post unplanned writing that goes with your main theme of the week or month, you can use it to supplement and round out at any time, or you can use it with precision with your plans.


  • Get in the habit of going large with your content and writing. Writing one post? Got inspiration for another? Keep going! Write it, even if you just rough it in and polish it later. Either schedule it in advance or just save it to edit later. You will soon find yourself maximizing your blog content, sometimes surprising yourself. Super size it! You won't gain an ounce but your blog will grow with every extra idea that you use.

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