Oprah’s What Can You Live Without Experiment

I was really happy to see another of Oprah's frugal and simple living series she's been having lately called 'What Can You Live Without Challenge". I think that

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America’s Thriftiest Family on Oprah

I am loving Oprah today for showing us the goods on the 'Thriftiest Family in America'. I started our new budget one month ago and the changes have

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Suze Orman – Free Download on Oprah’s Live Your Best Life Week

I didn't find a whole lot of surprises from Suze Orman on Oprah's Live Your Best Life show today, but it was motivating and I did learn a

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To Love Yourself is a Never Ending Journey

Oprah says – look at falling off the wagon as a love issue, not a weight issue. I think that it is much more than a weight issue.

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