Healthy White Chocolate Chip Cookies

Healthy Homemade Cookie Recipes

White Chocolate Chip cookies are one of my daughter's favourites, and mine. Come to think of it, I'm hard pressed to think of a cookie recipe that isn't my favourite! 

We used the recipe off of the Presidents Choice White Chocolate Chips bag and tweaked it a little bit to make it a little less sweet and with a little healthier to eat.

  • 1/2 cup softened butter (my daughter wanted to keep it this way but I am going to try a 1/2 butter with 1/2 olive oil or apple sauce mix next time I do it myself Wink
  • 3/4 cup packed brown sugar (with my daughters permission, we used a little over 1/2 cup)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda

Blend the softened butter with the sugar.

Beat in the eggs and vanilla.

Combine the flour, cocoa powder and baking soda in a separate bowl.

Slowly add this mixture to the first 4 ingredients.

Put a heaping tbsp onto the cookie sheet and flatten for each cookie, spacing about 2 inches apart.

Cook for 9 to 11 minutes at 350*.


NOTE: My daughter likes hers to look like store bought, nice and smooth and round. That is not my forte! So she did that part and hers turned out very nice!

She took the dough out of the bowl with her hands and shaped them until they were smooth and flat the way she liked them. They came out nice.

The three that I did just don't look the same. But they do look homemade!

I've included pictures below.

I mention this because how they look may influence your child's desire to take them in their lunch.

Something to keep in mind when you're splatting them at warp speed onto the pan.

If you have ideas for making a presentable cookie, I'd love to hear them in the comments section! 

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