Spring Cleaning

Is spring cleaning time a time that you enjoy as you renew and refresh your house in the fresh spring air?

Or is it something that you do because "it's that time of the year again".

When the weather is good, I enjoy it. But if it is a dismal spring with lots of rain and clouds, I never seem to get very motivated.

Here are some pointers to help make your spring cleaning less boring and your house more beautiful when you are finished!

1 – Do it a piece at a time instead of whole hog. This helps you to keep from burning out, and the time that you spend will be more productive.

2 – Develop a system. Do each room using the same basic method. It makes for less thinking and less overwhelm. Using a system will bring you better results, more easily in almost any situation – including housework and spring cleaning.

3 – Get some fun tools. If you use gloves, get some that are bright that make you feel good. Same goes for a spring cleaning tote or anything else that you may use – spray bottles, brushes or sponges for example. Live a little!

4 – Create a tote. Put all of your cleaning supplies in it (be sure that they are "green" cleaning products. No need for harsh chemicals that pollute) and carry it with you. No more running back and forth for cleaning products or tools.

5 – Get a basket that you like for picking up stray items. Carry it with you and pick up and put away as you make your way around the rooms.

6 – Dance! Put on some great music, or put your favourite mp3 audio on. The time will fly, you may even find yourself working longer because your interested or enjoying yourself so much.

7 – Make a plan to remove anything that is going out the door like donations or garbage ASAP. Leaving them sitting gives you one more pile to trip over and increases the chances of someone locating a donation box and strewing it all over the place (been there!) and taking things out. 

8 – Put things away ASAP. Leave a bit of time at the end of every session to empty your basket and put anything away that you have taken out, as well as your cleaning tools.

9 – Instruct the kids on keeping things clean when you are finished  – eg. no dishes in the livingroom, or dishes in the dishwasher etc. This will probably be another step that you will need to take as you will need to spend some time enforcing the new rules of the house to keep it nice over the summer. BTW, if you get the kids to help in any way shape or form, they will be far more likely to keep it clean afterwards as well – and they will be the first to keep everyone else in line if they mess up their job!

10 – Pretty it up when you are finished. When things are clean it becomes obvious what needs sprucing up. Spring is an ideal time to add colour, change colour or accessories. Treat yourself for a job well done and make it pretty :0) 


– Decide when you want to get started, mark it on your calender and DO IT. No procrastinating allowed. Spring isn't going to last forever!

– Check out the Spring Cleaning Forum at our new iShine Community.

– If you need help putting theory into ACTion, be sure to join our Spring Into Spring Cleaning Challenge, it comes free of charge with our Spring Cleaning Tips for Mom ebook. Whip your house into shape for summer in 20 minutes per day over 6 weeks with a daily action plan, checklist and instructions.  Open from April 1 to June 31.

Details on the Spring Into Spring Cleaning Challenge.

Hope to see you there! 

It’s Your Day to Shine

About the Author

Jan Ferrante

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