January 15, 2010

Do you find yourself putting things off, saying you'll do them later with no set time that 'later' would be?

Are You Frozen In Time?

And then giving yourself an out with your self talk?

I do!

This is one of the main culprits to having piles spring up miraculously on their own!

To finding yourself behind on your taxes, finding yourself with nothing good to make for dinner, finding yourself overweight and out of shape or finding yourself frustrated and giving up – before you even really get started! 

One of the habits that I have discovered to be my biggest roadblock to achievement in almost every area is my habit of saying to myself..

  • "I will later if I can".  or
  • "If I can … then I will …"


Guess what works better. I've already tried it and it makes ALL of the difference.

I AM. 

"I AM going to …"

That's it. 


Catch yourself. If you do something similar, every time you do it, catch yourself doing it.

Call yourself on it.

And then just do it.

Self talk your way into it, not out of it. Don't take no for an answer! 

Do it now.

Or decide when you will do it.

Don't say "Maybe", "If I can" or "I will".

You can. You really can. If you really want to. 


If you practice this one skill, I can guarantee that if you are prone to procrastinating or wondering why you often drop the ball on important things – you will see a big change and feel a lot better.

I have this saying written on the white board on my wall. It's my new motto. 

POWER = Doing What You Say You Will. Doing What You Know You Should.


About the Author

Jan Ferrante

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