Just a quick note about Family Day.

Today is Family Day in Canada.

I don't know who gets the day off, gov't workers get a paid holiday, and my son just walked in and told me they get the day off at the grocery store. The union doesn't want to pay them extra from my understanding. So they get an unpaid holiday for family day.

He is 18.

I told him today is family day on his way out. He just got home from house sitting. 

Guess I should have done more planning ahead. 

If you work at home, you can do what you want and pay for it later :0)

How about you?

What are doing with your family today?

Just a reminder, if you are kicking back and having some you time on the computer, no biggie. But be sure to check the clock, you know how time flies on this thing.

Get up, move around and do something for or with your family today.


We're quite boring so we are taking the girls out for a walk. It's a beautiful day and we like to do that.

UPDATE: Maybe we aren't all going for a walk. My husband just called my 15 year old daughter to go and she says she doesn't want to, it's boring. We should buy a Wii. Hmmm. 

I AM doing some overdue clean up in the kitchen to clear the way for more home baking and cooking.

Sounds boring but it is something that is going to increase the peace and security of our family over the coming weeks.

Do you have some kind of a project like that?

Maybe bake something with the kids?

Check out our QK Cookie Day for some ideas, or do a google search for almost anything that you'd ever want to make.

Or pull out your old faithful cookbook.

Or spend some time helping your child organize, declutter or clear a space in her room.

No impatience allowed.

Today, we are enjoying the journey. That's it.

It's just a fun time that's going to give them a nicer place to live – for a little while anyway :0)

Or make a craft with your children.

Or read a favourite story.

Or wash the dog together.

It doesn't matter what it is.

Think Increase.

Do what ever will increase the happiness of you and your family.

Appreciate the precious bundles that you have been blessed with. 

Take the time.

You'll be glad you did.

You'll feel like a good mom or dad.

The best job in the world.

About the Author

Jan Ferrante

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