Toot Your Horn Tuesday

This week I have to say that I'm still pumped about the Fit Yummy Mummy Transformation Challenge.

I know that I am heading in the right direction with it.

I will be a day late with my stats this week because I had a busy morning (more about that in a minute) and then had to rush out to get a tooth pulled. Fun!

My win is that I was determined, and even wanted to do my interval workout this morning.  I was really rushed for time, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to do it after the dentist, so even though I had to cram it in before I left, I WANTED TO DO IT! YEAHHH! 

Fitting my daily exercise in before I left would have been a non issue a few weeks ago. Today it was a non negotiable. 

If you'd like to share your best win this week, post your win to your blog, then go to Marie Ynammi's Mommy Community and add your link.

If you join the fun this week, you will get a chance to win a free monthly subscription to our own Lisa Marie Fletcher's Make It Fun Mom! – Quality Time Ideas for Kids, a monthly eGuide filled with fun activities with a new theme every month.

If you have small kids, and even big kids, it is a must have.

Lisa Marie, E.C.E. certified, and a mom of 3 under school age boys, puts a lot of work into creating it each month and it shows. 

 Make It Fun! Quality Time Ideas For Kids

Make It Your Day! Jan Ferrante

About the Author

Jan Ferrante

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