Financial Freedom Fridays

I recently switched over to using a cash system and retiring our use of credit cards where ever possible.

Which is surprisingly easy when you decide to get real and acknowledge that yes, everything you put on your credit card must come off, the sooner the better.

And that it really isn't easier to pay with cards. It's much, much harder.

  • Harder to control spending.
  • Harder to track spending. A big surprise for me. 
  • Harder to get connected with the value of money. Your money.


Last week I talked about our experience with my daughter making a cell phone purchase on her own dime(s!) and how beneficial the process of making it her responsibility was.  

Since we are using a cash system and keeping groceries separate from my own personal spending, when we were at Walmart I didn't want to buy anything except groceries.

I tallied an easy $20 savings just from this new habit.

I saw a pair of socks that definitely would have normally gone in the cart, as well as a sweater. I figure the sweater was at least $15.

And had I taken a walk around the clothes, there is a good chance that I normally would have thrown another one in while I was at it. I've been trying to update my wardrobe, but really, I don't need any new clothes right now.

NOTE: I prefer to buy my groceries at the store in town (my son works there, I use the brown paper bags and I can get healthier food there), but it was a necessity today. The plus was that I remembered my reusable Walmart bags. A MUST! If you haven't heard about the swirling vortex of plastic in the ocean, check it out right now. You will never look at plastic bags the same way.

HINT: Keep them in your vehicle so at worst you have to make a trip out to the parking lot to get them.


Instead of eating fast food I had a bran bar that I brought with me and a drink I bought with the groceries. The kids bought their own with their allowance while I was shopping (sounds like a dream come true, doesn't it!).

Savings: Another $20 min.

TOTAL SAVINGS: Minimum $40 Possibly $60.

And I'm not missing a darn thing.

I've got socks.

I've got sweaters.

And I've got $40 or more.

And free closet space.

What more could I want?


Tell us about what you didn't buy and pocketed the cash instead?

If you haven't done it yet, make a point of it next time your out and then let us know. 


Watch next week for my experience with the psychology of paying cash at the grocery store.

About the Author

Jan Ferrante

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