What are some of the advantages of budgeting with a cash system?

I’m finding that the biggest one is that I don’t constantly feel like our money is doing a slow (or sometimes fast) leak with no idea where from or to.

Going to a cash system to pay for purchases was the equivalent of a 100lb plug.

It stopped the leak instantly and gave me a feeling of security that I hadn’t had for a long time.


Because there are no more wildcards.

  • No more having no idea how much we will spend when we go to the mall.
  • Or the grocery store.
  • Or anywhere.

We know what we have to spend and that’s what we spend.

Payment money is solid.

Now we know exactly how much we can put towards credit card balances and bills and when they will be paid off.

Before, we never had an idea.


The biggest relief is that there is no more happy anticipation because we hit a zero balance just to have it loaded up again, almost by magic of course.

Now a zero balance stays that way unless we make a conscious decision to use the card.

This is worlds away than unconscious purchase decisions while out shopping and the balance shows it.

Now we can use that money to pay off other things and see steady progress.

If you are having trouble with the Magic Credit Card Balance That Refuses to Budge, you really should try putting the cash back in your wallet.


I was so impressed with the change that I was able to make after taking control of my budget and using cash instead of credit cards for shopping that I put together Making Change –  it’s the complete, simple system that I use.

Right now it’s free – donations are welcome when you start piling up the cash :0)

You can get it free right here – Get Making Change

About the Author

Jan Ferrante

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