When I was younger I asked my grandmother what her top tips on housework would be because even then I struggled with mess and disorganization.

 She said it all in 4 words…

pick up after yourself.

Sounds easy, doesn’t it? And it really is.

It  is probably some of the best advice I ever got on keeping a clean house – and never followed.

The reason it works so well is because it is instant. There is no lag time between mess and clean up. You make a  mess, you clean it up.


You don’t have to look at it, trip over it, blame it on the dog or make it worse in the time between.

Here are a few ways variations on the theme…

  • do it now
  • if it will take under one minute – do it now (and it probably will, that is the beauty of it)


I have a small table in my livingroom that was nagging me, every time I looked at it I saw the pile of stuff there that wasn’t supposed to be there. And what did I do about it?

Nothing! I just felt discouraged every time I looked at it and told myself I didn’t have time to clean it now, I’d do it later (bet you’ve heard that one before).

Finally one day I willed myself to walk over there and clean it up. It probably took me about 10 seconds to pick the stuff up, another 10 to throw some of it in the garbage and put the other few trinkets away and another 10 to give clean it off when I was wiping up.

If I am out on my estimation – 1 minute tops.


Have you got a mess that it nagging you right now?

Give it a shot. Check the time first. I am betting that it won’t take you as long as you think to clean it up.


One thing that will help you very much to bring this habit into the every day around your house is this…


Do your best to catch yourself thinking, “I will do it later”, “I don’t have time”, “I don’t feel like it”.

Instead use your mind to help you to change your actions.

Instead start thinking “It will only take a minute”, “I can do it now”, “It will be soooo worth the little time this is going to take”.

You will be amazed.


Use the same process over again and before long you are going to have MASSIVE RESULTS.

I admit that when I willed myself to walk over and clean up the mess I was actually trying out a new system that I have been using this week to achieve exactly that.

My house had become unmanaged  – not unmanagable – there is a huge difference – over the past few months of being totally sidetracked and it was bringing me down – 4 days later it’s like a new home and I am feeling fantastic.

I’m really excited to share this new approach with you so stay tuned, you will be hearing more about it very soon. If you want to be sure not to miss out on the details sign up for TAKE 5 – it uses some very similar principals and will have you making progress 5 minutes at a time very quickly.

If you purchase ‘My Clean House BOOST Housework System‘, you will get all of the information about how I achieved MASSIVE RESULTS this week and exactly how you can do it too as an added bonus. 

If you are tired of the mess and the feeling that you have lost control, I guarantee you that it will get you on track quickly and easily – you will see results the first day you start to use it – you’ll feel 1,000 lbs lighter too. I know I did.

If you don’t agree send me an email and I’ll refund your money. (I would recommend waiting for the MASSIVE RESULTS MINDSET workshop first though :0) If you’ve already got your copy of the BOOST Housework System, your information on MASSIVE RESULTS MINDSET is coming soon –  no charge. I hope you are as excited as I am!

If you have any questions you’d like to ask or any comments to share, please be sure to leave them below.

About the Author

Jan Ferrante

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  1. I’m looking forward to hearing more on the MASSIVE RESULTS MINDSET!!
    It’s about time I got back on board, and prepared my home for winter. I really love the way all the systems seem to work together to produce a great result. Who’s going to join me?

  2. Hi Jan! I think it is about time I signed up again for Take 5, and Spring into Spring. I plan on starting as soon as possible – maybe 27 December, as I have some time on my hands and want to get the remainder of my home “sorted”
    Anyone joining me?

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