Are you a mom feeling the pain of disorganization - the way it sucks hours from your day
and leaves you running constantly.
Or you would just like to squeeze a little "me" time in there before you are too old to enjoy it.
Do you work hard and have little time left over? Would you like to be more efficient and organized                  to make the most of your time? 
Sign up for our free Time Management for Mom's free ecourse and learn... 
  • Day 1 – Introduction 
Time Management = Success. What does it take? Boundaries, self confidence, self discipline and a positive attitude.
  • Day 2 – Success Comes from Within
How your attitude about yourself will ultimately determine your happiness.
  • Day 3 – How to Create a Schedule - that Works for You
Get rid of the excess. Keep it simple, visible, convenient and pleasant to use.
  • Day 4 – How to Choose a Planner – that Works for You
Think out of the box. What is your style?
  • Day 5 – Do Your Children Need a Schedule?
Working with your children to develop their time management skills when they are young can reap huge rewards when they are older – for them and for you.
  • Day 6 – Learning to Ask for Help and to Say No
One of the key foundations to successful time/life management. And again, mastering this skill is a great gift to your kids – even though they won't thank you for it for a few years!
In Printable Format.
Each lesson is sent to you with as downloadable printable pdf so that if you wish you can print it out and add it to your QK Home ACTion Planner (if you don't have one, this is a great way to get started).
Are You Ready?

Lets go!

Your partner in ACTion,

  The "Queen of KAOS"

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I prefer to pass on my free subscription to TAKE 5 at this time.
I'd like to continue on to Jan's Living Clean Blog - for tips and information from 'the trenches' and other places she goes to sneak a few bon bons - or not...

Copyright Jan Ferrante - Queen of KAOS 2010